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Digital Intelligence: Top 5 Reasons Your Communication Strategy Needs It

Digital intelligence is now an indispensable tool in the world of business. When used effectively, it can revolutionize your buyer personas.
Digital intelligence is now an indispensable tool in the world of business. When used effectively, it can revolutionize your buyer personas.

Digital intelligence is an indispensable tool in the world of business today. As a result, many businesses rely on relevant, data-driven communication strategies to engage with new and prospective customers.

Customers’ behaviors evolve with the passage of time. Therefore, business executives are often trying to understand their clientele’s needs. This is where digital insights come in handy. Digital insights can provide businesses with accurate information on the specific interests of their audience.

A growing body of evidence suggests that digital insights, when used effectively, can revolutionize your buyer personas. They also do five more things:

  • help to create an excellent communication strategy;
  • boost customer experience and loyalty;
  • increase the success of marketing campaigns;
  • improve sales margins, and, ultimately;
  • promote brand image.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the field. We’ll start with a definition.

What is digital intelligence?

To the tech-savvy, digital intelligence involves mining and harvesting digital “big data” and converting it into client-focused insights. It’s an advanced skill and expertise that helps businesses maximize the benefits inherent in digital technology.

As a result, to implement digital intelligence successfully, you will need to be skilled at:

  • identifying digital opportunities;
  • recognizing technological threats;
  • converting digital data into applicative insights;
  • applying digital knowledge in your field;
  • employing digital technology for improving productivity;
  • using digital technology to improve efficiency; and
  • understanding the implications of emerging technologies.

Although digital technology has transformed many facets of business, it has particularly changed the way businesses communicate with their audience.

Likewise, a growing body of evidence shows that efficient communication platforms are vital to the survival and success of any business. With a real-time communication strategy, every successful business can maximize an efficient flow of information between every stakeholder in the organization.

Still in doubt? Don’t worry. Listed and enumerated below are the top five reasons why insights are vital for your communication strategy.

1. Digital intelligence supports efficient, data-based contextual marketing.

One way digital intelligence can help your communication strategy is in contextual marketing.

A communication strategy that works must accurately predict customers’ purchasing behavior. Contextual marketing allows marketers to use digital insights gained from customers to create data-driven communication with an audience.

Digital intelligence can provide insights about each individual member of your audience, such as their identity, interaction history, purchasing history, and attitude towards your brand. The insights obtained from these customer data can form the basis of an effective communication strategy.

One way of generating these vital data and insights about your audience is to engage and interact with them.

For example, there are communication tools that allow you to create interactive sections within your blog content such as quizzes, questionnaires, etc. However, you can also use webinar software to host interactive webinars for your customers or prospects.

As Darshan Somashekar, CEO of online jigsaw puzzle site im-a-puzzle.com, explains, “We work with dozens of brands who want to stand out with their customers by providing engaging games and activities. Doing so creates more brand affinity which ultimately leads to conversions.”

Moreover, by creating content that interacts with the audience, you can generate valuable insights which will help you improve future marketing exercises.

With digital insights, marketers generate accurate data and create content that is most effective for their targeted audience. Likewise, marketers will no longer communicate or create content for their audience based on assumptions.

Contextual marketing is based on providing relevant, non-intrusive, data-driven communication with your audience at the right time.

2. Digital intelligence sustains flexible marketing.

Digital insights can transform your communication strategy through the development of a flexible marketing plan. A flexible marketing plan means marketers do not set the prices of their goods and services in stone but reflect current market realities.

Digital insights will reveal specific details about individual customers and allow you to offer prices according to their circumstances.

Some businesses have developed pricing algorithms from digital insights gained from their customers to determine what each customer will pay for products and services.

Similarly, another way to transform your communication strategy is to use digital insights to determine the pricing that will cause more conversions and sales.

An effective communication strategy should involve the systematic development of targeted sales messages that offer customers the right products at the right time.

3. Digital insights create a better customer experience.

Experienced marketers recognize the importance of digital insights in sales communication.

To improve customer satisfaction and increase sales, you must communicate with your customers based on their personal preferences. Likewise, to create a better customer experience, businesses must be aware of some vital information about their audience.

Insights gathered from digital technology about your customers’ behavioral data give you a better understanding of who they are and what they want. Leveraging digital intelligence enables businesses to communicate and provide their audience with a meaningful customer experience.

There are digital communication tools that provide real-time functionality and help marketers understand their customers and also predict their actions. For example, if you’re planning on collecting data, try using these online form templates to help save some of your time. Look for similar tools to help you out in other areas as well.

Customers love it when businesses can remember some details about them without being prompted for the same information.

4. Data validation is absolutely critical.

Marketers are always trying to have a glimpse into what their audience and customers are thinking. That’s why marketers go all out searching for any information that will help them generate leads and sell their brands.

Although you cannot see or touch data, many experts consider them more valuable to an organization than physical infrastructure. Similarly, without relevant information and data, no organization can prosper effectively. Unfortunately, not every piece of information or data out there represents the correct situation.

The challenge of inaccurate or bad data affects many organizations. Consequently, it can ruin your business if you depend on them to make crucial decisions.

Businesses must, therefore, ensure that they have a way of verifying that the data they feed their customers is correct. If your information is not accurate, you will lose the trust of your audience, which will affect your business.

Fortunately, insight from digital intelligence is one of the best ways to combat the challenges of bad data. Digital technology can provide insights that help you improve the quality of your data.

Improving your data quality means organizing them into an easily searchable format where your customers can easily find the information they want.

5. Predictive analytics provide a key metric.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how your audience will react to your messages before you put them out? Many organizations would gladly give an arm to gain such insight.

Many organizations communicate with their audience based on what has happened or what is happening. However, it is better to interact with them from some futuristic perspective.

With predictive analytics, marketers and communicators can have a peek into the future on the outcome of their communication strategies.

Predictive analytics is a digital technology used to predict what will happen based on current data. Using insights from predictive analysis, marketers can communicate with their audience from a foresighted, rather than a retrospective, position.

Imagine creating virtual audiences and measuring how they react to your messages and implementing the insights in your communication strategy. Businesses can avoid communication mistakes and increase their chances of influencing their audience.

Summing Up

If you want your organization to thrive, you must take advantage of the insights generated with the help of digital intelligence.

Digital intelligence has transformed and revolutionized many industries. It can also help you make an impact through your communication strategy.

Businesses can no longer afford to base their communication strategies on speculation on what their potential customers want to hear. With digital intelligence, you can grab their attention by having an insight into their needs.

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