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DHL ShipRush allows for more efficient shipping

Express delivery and logistics company DHLáintroduced ShipRush for DHL, a software tooláthat makes it possible to ship directly from software applicationsásuch asáQuickBooks, eBay or Microsoft Outlook.

“We launched this to make it easier for our customers to interact and transact with DHL,” said Robert Mintz, public relations manager for DHL.

Shippers using these applications will be able to ship directly from ShipRush to contacts without re-keying address data in a separate shipping system, making the process faster and more efficient. This system eliminates the need to copy and paste addresses or export and import customer information in order to ship.

Besides printing a DHL shipping label from their own application, shippers using this product can track and view shipments, print shipment activity reports, send automatic e-mail notifications to recipients with the tracking number, and access discounted rates with a DHL account number.

“Of all our customers, primarily small businesses will benefit most from this platform,” Mintz said.

ShipRush canádownload addresses from QuickBooks or Microsoft Outlook, and pulls PayPal confirmed addresses directly from eBay. The software can run on any PC or over a customer’s local network,ámaking it is accessible to multiple users.

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