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Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Buying Behavior in the Evolving Multichannel Retail World

Today’s consumers demand choice and convenience. They “mix and match” channels according to their needs for product research, purchase and delivery. As cross-channel shopping behavior grows mainstream, the best way to evaluate and compare retail channels is to gauge their relative impact increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer satisfaction presents a versatile cross-channel metric to gauge the retailer’s strengths and weaknesses from the customer’s viewpoint. Because satisfaction drives behavior, a more thorough understanding of what drives multichannel shoppers’ satisfaction will give retailers the insights to influence customer behavior in the short and long term. In this way, customer satisfaction is harnessed to become a driving force in sales growth and increasing loyalty where each channel is optimized to meet the customer’s needs and exceed their expectations.


Larry Freed is president/CEO of ForeSee Results, a market leader in customer satisfaction measurement on the Web that is the methodology of the American Customer Satisfaction Index. To contact ForeSee about this report please e-mail Lee Pavich at [email protected]

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