Custom publishing has become a key ingredient in companies’ customer relationship marketing initiatives, according to a new Publishing & Media Group survey.
The 2000 results indicate that custom publishing expenditure will increase 10.4 percent this year, compared to an 8 percent expected expenditure for consumer magazine advertising.
The study was commissioned by the Custom Publishing Council, a committee of the Magazine Publishers of America.
“More and more marketers are recognizing the importance of forming a customer community in order to enhance brand experience,” said Jeremy Morris, vice president of Hanley-Wood Custom Publishing and chairman of the CPC Research committee. “Custom publishing can establish and sustain this community more effectively than any other form of marketing communication.”
At 53 percent, customer magazines continue to account for the largest slice of client expenditure and third-party advertising. Print newsletters followed at 24 percent, and electronic media at 17 percent, according to Publishing & Media Group, New York.
The survey found custom publishers most active in the following sectors:
* finance, insurance, real estate, 11.7 percent;
* technology, 11 percent;
* healthcare, 7.8 percent;
* education, 5.8 percent;
* travel, 4.5 percent;
* nonprofit, 4.5 percent;
* entertainment, 3.9 percent;
* government, 3.9 percent;
* food, 3.2 percent;
* apparel, 3.2 percent.