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Creative director is the title, but not the job

What does a creative director do?
I know “director” isn’t “dictator,” but my experience is that one can misinterpret that title. It can become all about you.

I like a title that is more appropriate for the job: creative conduit.

A creative conduit uses his or her talents and sensibilities and experience as a bridge.
Between words and pictures.
Between the strategy and the execution.
Between the good ideas and the great ones.
Between consumer and brand.
Between vendors and agency.
Between agency and client.
Between the creative department and other departments.
Creative director is about the creative. Creative conduit is about bridging creatively.
It’s a promotion, not self-promotion.  
Still, “conduit” doesn’t sound as cool as “director.” I’ll ask the agency to come up with a better word. In my job, I can do that.

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