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Coremetrics 2007 Enables Rapid Response Marketing With Real Time Web Analytics

Web analytics solutions provider Coremetrics has launched a suite of tools that enable organizations to implement more scientific, data-driven and proactive online marketing programs.

The suite, Coremetrics 2007, builds on the company’s Web analytics platform, enabling marketers to turn granular analytical data into clear marketing activity plans instantly.

San Mateo, CA-based Coremetrics said Coremetrics 2007 delivers automated cross-sell recommendations based on visitor behavior; enhanced analytics enabling highly intelligent and automated marketing strategies; and multichannel analytics with IBM WebSphere Commerce.

The suite is delivered in an on-demand, software as a service model that includes ongoing support by a team of business and analytics advisors. Coremetrics works with clients across all industries including the travel, financial, media, content and retail sectors, to help businesses achieve their online marketing objectives.

The new features in Coremetrics 2007 use the power of Coremetrics LIVE Profiles, the industry’s leading record of all visitor behavior cross-session activity, making it easier for online managers and marketers to act on the data and make informed, targeted business decisions.

The Real Time Monitor application within Coremetrics 2007 is a graphical dashboard that provides both standard and customized key performance indicators, enabling individuals to tailor metrics to their unique needs, and to map them to a specific campaign that is under way, in real time. The combination of tailored Knowledge Performance Indicators and immediacy of information enables organizations to track the results of their marketing campaigns or Web site changes and respond promptly to improve results.

In addition, Real Time Monitor supports integration of RSS feeds, enabling input from other data sources such as intranets, inventory systems, POS applications, or even external news and blog sites.

Coremetics also said Cheyenne, WY-based casual and outdoor apparel retailer Sierra Trading Post will be using Real Time Monitor to optimize campaigns and is looking forward to using it to boost holiday sales.

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