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Consorta says it’s okay to look a little green

Consorta, a healthcare group purchasing and resource management organization, has launched EverGreen magazine to tap into the growing interest in environmental sustainability in healthcare.

The bimonthly magazine will be sent free to qualified subscribers and paid to other interested parties both domestically and abroad. Editorial, which makes up 60% of the magazine’s content, features industry advice and best practices for reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare facilities — from product choices to building and engineering ideas.

“There wasn’t a publication in the market that really addressed healthcare in a green way,” said Debra Lynn Ross, managing editor of EverGreen and director of corporate communications for Consorta. “For a long time, people have been talking about how healthcare has been changing and how policies relating to environmental issues are changing, and this magazine will let them know what’s out there. We’re looking at greening the supply chain, basically.”

Following research and an extensive direct mail push, EverGreen launched with a rate base of 50,709 healthcare executives, purchase decision makers, architects, contractors and other health professionals. The magazine purchased lists from a variety of list management companies for its launch marketing efforts. The target audience receiving launch mail and e-mails was made up of senior level decision makers and department heads that, Ross said, purchase about $200 billion of goods and supplies annually.

EverGreen also leveraged lists of past attendees and presenters from the CleanMed conference for its marketing efforts. The magazine will continue to use trade show appearances and partnerships to boost readership and brand recognition. It is also building its online capabilities to feature new media such as blogs and podcasts.

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