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ClientLogic Wins Avrick Direct Files

ClientLogic Specialists Marketing Services, Weehawken, NJ, said yesterday it would assume list management of 10 compiled files from Avrick Direct Inc. effective today.

The multi-sourced files are:

* Always Shopping Mail Order Buyers with 17 million last-12-month names and a base price of $95/M.

* Apollo Hispanic New Credit Card Issues with 1.7 million last-12-month names and a base price of $80/M.

* Baby Time Prenatal & New Births with 1.8 million last-12-month names and a base price of $100/M.

* Bone Builder Supplement Buyers with 517,400 last-12-month names and a base price of $100/M.

* Cartilage Regeneration with 412,800 last-12-month names and a base price of $95/M.

* Hampton House Mail Order Buyers with 8.1 million last-12-month names and a base price of $80/M.

* Marathon Power Bar for Women Buyers with 300,000 last-6-month names and a base price of $90/M.

* Movin’ & Spendin’ Hispanic New Members with 2.8 million last-12-month names and a base price of $80/M.

* Movin’ & Spendin’ Master File with 21 million last-12-month names and a base price of $75/M.

* TeleProducts Mail Order Buyers with 7 million last-12-month names and a base price of $85/M.

Selections on these files include geography, recency and gender.

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