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Ci2i Introduces Application for Ad Agencies

Ci2i, San Francisco, a provider of business management and production services for the advertising industry, said it will debut its core product, called Streamline.

Promotion of the product will begin this week with print ads in major trade publications, including Creativity and Shoot.

Streamline is a Web-based application that integrates production workflow, collaboration and storage of creative. The product's integrated suite of digital applications precisely matches and supports the production process for television advertising, from spec development to post production and storage.

Since the application service provider is online and available on a per-project basis, users get the benefits of a companywide system without start-up fees or ongoing maintenance costs, according to Ci2i.

Product features include provisions for managing competitive bids; scheduling at both the department and project level; and management of various production elements and file types, including storyboards, specs and broadcast-quality video. Users can also track budgets and document approvals and can archive all administrative forms and production elements so they are easily accessible. The product allows users to decide when and how the information is shared.

Future plans call for Ci2i to roll out versions of Streamline to support the production of radio, print and Web advertising.

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