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China.com, Meetic bring dating channel to China

Chinese Internet service provider China.com Inc., a Hong Kong-based subsidiary of CDC Corp., has partnered with Meetic to launch an online dating service in the China market.

With this partnership, young career professionals, the key audience of Beijing-based China.com, will be able to access the global database of Paris-based Meetic in English, French and German and use a variety of popular tools provided by Meetic’s Web site to search, communicate and find their soul mates.

Meetic is the largest dating site in Europe, with 25 million registered users and since its launch in 2002, more than 500,000 couples have become engaged. Atlanta-based CDC Corp. provides comprehensive enterprise software applications and services.

China.com said that according to industry research, the scale of online dating in China will reach more than 100 million people by 2008, and highly educated young professionals are expected to be the key segment of the population that will drive this rapid growth.

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