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Cendant Migrating Mail Database to E-Mail

Cendant Corp. aims to migrate much of its direct mail customer database to e-mail.

The New York company is using MindArrow Systems Inc.'s MindArrow OnTarget list and e-mail append service to match names in its direct mail database to third-party online files of undisclosed size.

“They're trying to reduce their direct mail costs by rolling over more of their client communications to e-mail,” said Jay Stevens, vice president of marketing at MindArrow, Huntington Beach, CA.

MindArrow's e-mail append service will match more than 60 percent of Cendant's customer database, mindful at the same time of consumer privacy concerns, MindArrow said.

“We're following best practices as established by the Council for Responsible E-Mail,” Stevens said. “We're only working with database providers with true opt-in lists.”

The goal is to provide a critical mass for Cendant's online marketing programs.

Cendant has interests in real estate, hotels, car rental, financial services and travel. It owns brands like Century 21, Coldwell Banker, Ramada Inn, Travelodge, Amerihost, Days Inn, Avis, National Car Parks, Jackson Hewitt Tax Services, Galileo, Trip.com and Cheap Tickets.

MindArrow, which configures its fee based on the size of the database, will charge Cendant only for matches. The Cendant assignment is on an ongoing basis.

MindArrow works with database providers to access e-mail append databases and opt-in e-mail addresses. The data accessed by MindArrow OnTarget covers individuals and businesses that have registered to receive e-mail offers. The data are clustered into self-selected interests.

“Instead of going to one database provider, we go to a number of database providers and do tiered matching,” Stevens said.

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