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CDW Starts Small Business Pub

Computer hardware and software direct marketer CDW Corp. began a quarterly magazine for small businesses called Biz Tech, the Vernon Hills, IL-based company said yesterday.

The publication focuses on information technology strategies for businesses with 20 to 99 employees and features ads for CDW products. The first issue contains 64 pages and will be distributed to 50,000 businesses nationwide, drawing mainly from CDW's customer base.

After conducting market research, CDW identified the 20- to 99-employee segment as one with unique IT needs. The research also showed that this segment often is overlooked by existing media resources.

Biz Tech will address senior decision makers and IT executives with articles that cover technology and business issues. Case histories drawn from CDW customers' experiences also will be provided.

CDW also created a Web site, biztechmagazine.com, which provides additional tools, a discussion board, access to CDW technology expertise, archived articles and white papers.

Chantal Todé covers catalog and retail news and BTB marketing for DM News and DM News.com. To keep up with the latest developments in these areas, subscribe to our daily and weekly e-mail newsletters by visiting www.dmnews.com/newsletters

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