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Catalogs.com launches iPad application

Retail aggregator Catalogs.com launched an iPad application on October 18. The company’s goal is to combine the graphic-heavy format and page-flipping convenience of a traditional print catalog with the interactive, lightweight benefits of Apple’s tablet.

The app allows consumers to search a range of catalogs, which the company plans to expand in coming months. It also enables shoppers to connect directly to the sites of Catalogs.com’s online retailer partners. The brands partnering with Catalogs.com on the iPad app include Ghiradelli, Little Tikes, MacConnection and Spiegel.

Catalogs.com is ensuring up-to-date information by updating the app whenever products or details are added. The company developed the app in-house.

“[Retailers] can basically build a new catalog everyday,” said Richard Linevsky, president and cofounder of Catalogs.com.

Some merchants are transferring their catalogs directly to the application, but Catalogs.com is customizing electronic catalogs for others who do not offer print catalog editions, such as Home Depot and Foot Locker.

“That’s where it gets innovative and revolutionary — we’re making the catalog now for any merchant whether they already have a free catalog or not,” said Linevsky.

Though the application does not request customer data or target consumers with marketing, Linevsky said the company is looking into options that will ensure consumers’ privacy, including special offers made available specifically to those the app’s users, such as free shipping and discounts.

Catalogs.com’s near-term priority is to expand the application’s list of merchant partners. Although the app is only available for the iPad, the company also plans to expand it to mobile applications and other tablets in coming months.

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