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Carnaby.com Chasing Front-Runner EBay

Online auction firm Carnaby.com has announced a sweepstakes campaign designed to drive membership growth and gain ground on eBay, the leading site in its sector.

The firm's Cash Cow Sweepstakes promotion will be marketed to audiences via the Internet, radio and print advertising and at Web-oriented trade shows.

Participants can win a grand prize of a four-person, four-day trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. A second grand prize consists of a three-day cruise to the Bahamas and $5,000. Monthly and weekly giveaways of Kodak digital cameras and Panasonic DVD players are also being offered.

Four-year-old Carnaby, Orlando, FL, looks to brand itself against other auction sites, most notably eBay.com.

“We are introducing several marketing campaigns that will put Carnaby on a 'catch-up' mode,” said Cesar Cunha, vice president of marketing at the company. “Building a strong community is a process of many steps and cannot be done overnight. We are in it for the marathon, not the sprint.”

Carnaby this week is expected to launch its Refer-A-Friend program, which will encourage site members to tell a friend about the site, its uses and the sweepstakes campaign.

The program will include an e-mail campaign to members who have opted in for program updates. A link will take them to the site's rewards channel, where they can craft e-mails from templates to send to acquaintances.

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