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Campaign Comes to the States

Need your daily dose of data-driving marketing strategies? That’s us. Looking for a convergence of creative concepts? That’s what our UK sister publication Campaign‘s new U.S. site is all about. The site, campaignlive.com, is a blend of content and community. It provides news and analysis on agencies, brand strategies, and campaigns. It’s also a source of contributed thought leadership on such topic as creative work, challenges and opportunities, and industry trends from such luminary as WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorrell; Keith Weed, chief marketing and communications officer of Unilever; R/GA Chief Creative Officer Dave Law; Starcom MediaVest Group global CEO Laura Desmond; and Tham Khai Meng, worldwide chief creative officer of Ogilvy & Mather.

According to Claire Beale, Campaign‘s global editor-in-chief, campaignlive.com content “will be primarily produced by creative talent for creative talent, and feature ideas and inspiration from peers around the world, courtesy of Campaign’s sister sites in the U.K. and Asia.” That content will serve the creative marketing and communications community—especially those in advertising and media agencies, as well as brand marketers. 

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