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Burnett Leaves DBA to Run Own Firm

Ed Burnett has left Database America (DBA) after 20 years to run his own consulting firm. Burnett was former president of Ed Burnett Consultants, which was acquired in 1979 by PAGEX Systems, the forerunner to DBA. He was a senior consultant at the time of his departure in April.

Burnett had been president of the Ed Burnett Consultants division of DBA, which was renamed Database America List Services in 1993. DBA was purchased by American Business Information in 1997.

Burnett would not elaborate on his departure except to say, “It [DBA] was purchased by ABI and changed its direction remarkably, and I didn't belong in that picture.''

Senior officials at DBA, Montvale, NJ were not available for comment.

Burnett will now devote his time to Promotional Consultants, Inc., New York, a company he formed 20 years ago as a sideline to his work with DBA. Burnett now is offering his consultation services to all except list companies. He can be reached at 212/337-5778.

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