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BT providers punch up data capabilities with new platform

AudienceScience is one of the first behavioral targeting companies to start using CoreMetrics’ new AdTarget platform.

AdTarget syndicates data about Web site visitors across ad networks and products. The information is then integrated into the behavioral targeting platforms of ad serving companies like AudienceScience, allowing them to create personalized display ads in real time for online consumers.

“The ultimate goal here is to close the loop in terms of information targeting and messaging,” said Monty Hudson, VP of sales and media for AudienceScience. “When there’s a disconnect in that loop, our marketing campaign is sub-optimal, so what CoreMetrics and AudienceScience have done is create a technology and operations integration that allows clients to easily share data across the AudienceScience network so they can create targeted media buys to market to those customers.”

The platform is designed to increase the effectiveness of display ads, thereby boosting rates of site visitor retention, conversion and reacquisition. AdTarget also tracks the conversions driven by display ad campaigns, allowing ad providers to adjust and optimize their marketing mix across channels.

CoreMetrics and AudienceScience have shared clients before, but without the AdTarget platform the two companies’ data was kept separate, meaning clients had to undergo two separate data integrations.

“Both companies saw the advantage of working together, and today customers can go into the CoreMetrics interface and drag and drop the AudienceScience logo, which allows that client to share the CoreMetrics data with AudienceScience with no separate integration and no new data collection or segmentation,” Hudson explained. “It’s all working off a singular data sort, so it’s much more flexible and integrated.”

Online retailers have been quick to jump on the new offering, said Hudson, but he noted that the smart use of data and analytics is essential for all marketers, especially in the current economic environment.

ChoiceStream, Dotomi, OpenX and [X+1] have also signed on to use AdTarget.

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