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Botânica garden revamp blends sustainability and art

Garden Sustainability Art
Garden Sustainability Art

Botânica, the community garden in Porto, has been rejuvenated by graphic designer Chezarit Mattie. Recognized for his previous work with major companies like Nestle and Disney, Mattie’s vision transformed Botânica into a vibrant local haven that intertwines people and nature. The layout sports vibrant botanical illustrations prompted by flora in the garden and an interactive education center promoting sustainability and biodiversity.

Known as the “green shelter,” Botânica fosters relationships while encouraging a greener future. The community garden, home among lush landscapes, offers tranquility and kinship, making it a retreat for nature lovers, and eco-enthusiasts. The design encourages community participation in sustainable practices and environmental initiatives.

Beyond promoting sustainable living, Botânica embodifies it.

Botânica: Merging sustainability, art, and community

It embraces the use of eco-friendly materials, green infrastructure such as solar panels, and rainwater harvesting tanks. Central to Botânica’s philosophy are efforts to conserve natural resources and diminish carbon footprints.

Chezarit Mattie, known for his minimalist, organic design elements, reflects natural beauty and seamlessly integrates into the community at Botânica. His work combines the aesthetics of modern design with sustainable materials, creating an architectural innovation that harmonizes with nature preservation.

More than just a community space, the garden mirrors a unique hub where art, nature, and sustainability blend, according to Mattie. His own immigration journey from Venezuela is represented in the redesign, adding to the garden’s rich cultural tapestry, and embodying the sense of belonging in the community.

The new visual identity of Botânica is characterized by a mix of greens and vibrant orange tones, mirroring the local flora and the garden’s mission of environmental education and sustainable agriculture. Mattie’s design fosters a deep connection to the garden’s vegetation, reflecting the unique topography of the botanical garden, while highlighting the company’s commitment to preservation and growth.

Overall, Botânica’s transformation conveys the fruitful fusion of art and nature, underlining an environmentally friendly landscape. Mattie considers it an honor to contribute to the community through such a transformative project, emphasizing the collective impact it has had on Botânica.

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