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Boost Online Artist Careers: 3 Important Steps

Today, art firms are successfully combining digital storytelling, audience research, and consumer analytics to boost online artist careers.
Today, art firms are successfully combining digital storytelling, audience research, and consumer analytics to boost online artist careers.

Today, art firms are successfully combining digital storytelling, audience research, and consumer analytics to boost online artist careers.

Growing and fostering the career of a budding artist is a fantastic opportunity as well as a problem for art enterprises. It’s incredibly exciting and satisfying to see an artist’s career take off. However, new artists face a greater risk because collectors, sales, and art-world interests aren’t assured. Art businesses want to know how to boost online artist careers in this new and changing economic environment.

Until recently, art firms relied heavily on in-person chances to connect collectors to new or emerging artists. This was done through art fairs, exhibition openings, and gallery walk-ins.

Due to the ever-changing circumstances around the world, in-person solutions are frequently not available. Furthermore, many art businesses have little choice but to focus on digital experiences to link the future generation of artists with collectors.

The pandemic has consolidated the importance of online sales for galleries. In 2019, online sales accounted for only 10% of total sales for art businesses. However, now that number has risen to nearly 40% and rising.

1. To boost your online artist career, take advantage of feedback from your artist’s current fans.

Gather as much information as possible on the collectors who are currently following and engaging with your artists. Are they largely concentrated in one area? What are their ages?

Additionally, you can find out what platforms or marketplaces they frequent to discover and purchase art. Which newspapers, websites, or magazines do they read? What do they do for a living? Your digital strategy and target audience should be informed by your responses to these questions.

Every Artsy partner has access to essential tools. These tools ensure they have the data and information they need to make crucial business decisions. These decisions include things like organizing social media calendars or deciding which fairs to attend. Additionally, it might entail deciding which artists to invite to a fair.

2. To raise awareness and strengthen relationships with your artist, use digital storytelling.

Storytelling is the next step in developing a digital strategy for your up-and-coming artist. Therefore, consider the characteristics that set your represented artist apart. After that, create a digital narrative to assist people in discovering their talent and importance.

Then, using your Artsy profile, website, social media, and email, develop, plan, and constantly share their material. To utilize their audience and grow your following, ask the young artist to cross-promote your material on their channels. Oftentimes, the higher your or your posts’ interaction, the more likely the social platform is to recommend it to other individuals with comparable interests.

In this case, you can allow function to follow form.

There are various styles and options for art enterprises to develop interesting content. With Artsy Online Exclusive Shows and Viewing Rooms, you can create an art-first digital presentation. You can make sure that it’s true to your digital narrative and gallery.

Additionally, you can record a studio visit to your artist’s workspace. This will allow collectors to watch them at work. Furthermore, they can discover what goes into the creation of a piece and hear about their work directly from the artist. In addition, don’t forget to shoot some photos to share on your gallery’s Instagram account!

Further, you can allow your artist to take over your gallery’s Instagram account. Additionally, you can host a live Instagram interview with your artist. Suppose your artist’s brand is fresh and developing. It’s critical to solicit and consider feedback from your audience. In addition, check-in with collectors and potential buyers regarding your artist’s work and promotion.

Find out what kind of content they are looking for. In addition, you may simply obtain these answers by using Instagram’s “poll” or “question” functionalities.

If your artist already has a following, it’s critical to continue to grow their audience beyond their own and yours. Therefore, submit their work for publication in local and international online newspapers. Additionally, you can submit it to magazines and websites that their target audience reads. That way you can find more like-minded people who could be interested in their work.

Finally, keep your content and media outreach constant. You won’t be able to develop an artist’s fan base overnight. However, if you’re tenacious and focused, you can effectively boost online artist careers. Take pains to learn from each submission, post, and engagement takeaway. If you do, you’ll be able to expand and support their career over time.

3. To boost online artist careers, make it as simple as possible for collectors to purchase your artist’s work.

Will this work fit in my space? Great content should make potential purchasers ask this question. Where else has this artist’s work been exhibited? Are their artworks inside my price range?

It’s critical for the collector to have this information readily available. Therefore, keep your artist’s legacy of fairs, exhibits, artworks, prizes, publications, and bios current on your website.

In addition, keep everything up to the minute on your Artsy page in a convenient, easy-to-find spot.

Final Thoughts

Finally, it’s critical to exhibit your new artist’s work in places where serious collectors go.

In addition, it should be in a place where purchasing artwork is simple. Artsy was created to connect galleries with collectors who are interested in their work. Additionally, there are a number of tools to assist you in supporting your artists’ careers.

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