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Bad Cybersecurity Habits: Break Them Now!

Despite the fact that attacks are more complex, many small businesses continue to practice bad cybersecurity habits. This puts them at risk.
Despite the fact that attacks are more complex, many small businesses continue to practice bad cybersecurity habits. This puts them at risk.

Despite the fact that attacks are more complex, many small businesses continue to practice bad cybersecurity habits. This puts them at risk.

Procrastination may make things simpler in the short term, but it frequently leads to a frenzied last-minute rush to fulfill deadlines. The same can be said about bad cybersecurity habits.

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Our habits, whether good or bad, make life easier for us. Sleeping at a certain schedule, for example, helps us get enough rest, whereas smoking may provide some psychological respite from stress. However, while unhealthy habits can be useful in the short term, they can have long-term detrimental implications.

Despite the fact that cyberattacks are becoming more complex, many small businesses continue to disregard cybersecurity best practices. This puts them at risk of data breaches and malware attacks. Let’s look at some of the bad cybersecurity habits your company should avoid.

Bad Habit #1. Using insecure passwords.

Multiple passwords might be difficult to remember. Therefore, some users write them down on a piece of paper or on their computer. Others can easily steal their credentials as a result of these methods.

People also tend to use passwords that can be broken in less than a second. Others use personal information as passwords. However, they are just as easy to hack as they are on social media sites and other online platforms.

Here’s what you can do to lessen the danger of cyberattacks caused by bad password habits:

  • Multifactor authentication should be implemented. MFA requires account holders to provide additional proof of identity in addition to their password.
  • Use a one-time passcode, a fingerprint or facial scan, or a security key. Therefore, even if a cybercriminal obtains a user’s login credentials, they will be unable to access the account. This is because they must provide all authentication elements.
  • Make use of passwords. Passwords like “sulphuric trash subtitle plaything” are a form of a password that uses unrelated words. They are tough for cybercriminals to hack because of their randomness. However, they are fairly easy to remember.
  • Password managers should be used. They log users into apps and websites automatically, removing the need to remember several passwords. Passwords are also stored in an encrypted vault accessible only by a secure master password or biometrics.

Bad Habit #2. Failure to use email protection.

Many businesses forget the importance of good email security. Instead, they rely on their provider’s built-in protections.

The latter, on the other hand, is rarely efficient in blocking cyber threats. This is because dangerous emails might still make their way into a user’s mailbox.

Furthermore, according to a recent survey, 20% of all employees are likely to click on phishing email links. In addition, 67.5 percent will submit their credentials on a phishing website.

As a result, businesses must deploy email security solutions. Malware scanning, anti-spam, and anti-phishing, technology is extremely helpful. In addition, employees should also learn not to open emails from unknowns containing malicious links or attachments.

Bad Habit #3. Failure to prepare a DRP.

Cyberattacks and natural disasters can strike at any time. In addition, your business may not be able to recover fast after a disaster if you don’t have a comprehensive DRP in place.

Therefore, this can result in financial losses and reputational damage. Furthermore, according to a recent study, only 54% of organizations have a company-wide DRP in place.

Consequently, it’s a good idea to seek the assistance of a reputable IT services provider. They will help you to establish a successful DRP.

In addition, they can assist you with creating several copies of your files and storing them in different data centers. That way, you always have access to the most recent version of your data.

In the case of a disaster or cyberattack, they make sure you can promptly recover your systems so you can keep servicing your clients.

Bad Habit #4. Being unconcerned about cybersecurity.

Many small business owners mistakenly believe that cybercriminals exclusively target big businesses. In addition, they believe they have little of value that could be stolen. Thus, they do not spend adequate time or money on cybersecurity.

This is one of the worst bad cybersecurity habits. Small firms are prone to cyberattacks precisely because of such assumptions.

Therefore, invest in effective cybersecurity solutions. This may include things like anti-malware applications, intrusion detection systems, and firewalls.

Also, consider investing in a reliable VPN. However, you will want to do sufficient due diligence and consider the pros and cons of static and dynamic IPs for your business. Doing that will help you identify the type of IP you need for your business and determine the intrusion detection systems to invest in.

Regardless of the size of your company, protection is necessary. A good IT security partner will keep an eye on your IT infrastructure for potential threats. They are able to do this all day, every day.

In addition, they can handle any issues that develop. Therefore, you can concentrate on growing your business.

Big No-No #5. Approaching cybersecurity as if it were a one-time task.

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field. Despite this, many companies regard cybersecurity as a one-time project.

Furthermore, they forget to upgrade their defenses and leave them vulnerable to high-tech cyberattacks.

Therefore, maintain the security of your IT infrastructure. Continually examine IT security policies and measures on a regular basis.

In addition, make sure you look at whether your security tools, procedures, and rules, are still effective in the face of today’s cyberthreats. Penetration testing, for example, detects vulnerabilities and produces remedies before attackers strike.

To avoid data breaches from human error, employees must receive cybersecurity awareness training at least once every six months. Therefore, make your training sessions more engaging for your employees. Do this by personalizing them to their hobbies, positions, and current levels of cybersecurity expertise.

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