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Airline Offers In-Flight E-Mail, Web Content Service

Singapore Airlines yesterday began offering an in-flight e-mail and Web service via satellite connection. The airline claimed the service is the first of its kind on commercial aircraft.

In conjunction with Seattle-based Tenzing Communications, Singapore Airlines will allow passengers in all three classes to access e-mail and browse Web content through existing seatback ports. Passengers can log on to servers by plugging their laptops into the ports.

E-mails are delivered via satellite connections, while Tenzing, through a number of agreements with news providers, will provide the Web content, including news, stocks and sports scores. The content will be updated throughout the flight, Tenzing representatives said.

The service will be free through September while the airline installs the system into its fleet. Prices for the service have not been determined yet, said Megan McQueen, a spokeswoman for Tenzing.

McQueen said Tenzing has formed similar partnerships with other airlines, including Cathay Pacific and Virgin Atlantic. However, the service has not been installed yet for those airlines, she said.

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