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Adobe adds cross-device targeting capabilities to its Marketing Cloud

In a multi-device world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for marketers to consolidate the data of a single customer across several different channels. Adobe is now offering a solution in its Audience Manager (part of Adobe Media Optimizer) platform.

Adobe Audience Manager will now let marketers target the same customer across multiple devices, such as their phone, tablet and desktop. For example, if a customer begins a search for a hotel on a tablet, and ends the day doing similar research on their phone, Audience Manager will now be able to take the customer interaction data from both devices and use it to target them across several different channels.

In a blog post, Adobe director of product management, advertising solutions Ali Bohra writes:

Adobe is pro­vid­ing mar­keters the “levers” to choose when and how to map devices to indi­vid­ual con­sumers. For the first time, mar­keters have the tools to pro­file who in a house­hold is con­sum­ing con­tent on a con­nected device at any given moment. For exam­ple, a lead­ing dig­i­tal mag­a­zine pub­lisher can iden­tify sep­a­rate per­sonas within a house­hold (i.e. techie mom and travel-savvy dad) and have the abil­ity to asso­ciate those per­sonas with dif­fer­ent indi­vid­u­als in the house­hold in a pri­vacy –friendly manner.

That single persona identified in Audience Manager can be targeted through the rest of Adobe’s engagement solutions in its Marketing Cloud.

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