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FedEx drop boxes by BBDO NY

To further promote FedEx’s NASCAR sponsorship and drum up excitement for the Chase for the Sprint Cup, BBDO placed voice-enabled devices in 700 FedEx drop boxes throughout the southeast US. The effort is a complement to a digital campaign that was already under way.

“FedEx has vast network. 43 or 44 thousand drop boxes around the country and they are all well trafficked,” says Emma Armstrong, EVP, senior director BBDO NY. “We thought it would be good to extend the campaign.”

When drop boxes are opened, customers are greeted with a FedEx-branded checkered finish line and driver Denny Hamlin’s voice saying, “Hi, it’s Denny Hamlin. If you like fast, you just dropped that package in the right place.”

“It was a big step forward for FedEx because they never thought of the drop boxes as media venues before,” Armstrong explains. “We wanted to do something unobtrusive so we came up with the sticker inside the box and experimented with sounds of the race, but some of the boxes are on busy roads and we were afraid the sounds would get lost, so we decided to play the sound off of Denny.”

The drop-box effort kicked off in Charlotte, NC October 12. It will extend Greensboro, NC, and Birmingham, AL, and will reach Miami Nov 16, the weekend of the final Spring Cup race.

“We wanted to make sure it was fun and engaging in addition to being surprising for customers,” says BBDO copywriter Rick Williams.

Please send all contributions and feedback to [email protected]

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