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Exchange Applications Introduces Software for Better CRM

Exchange Applications Inc., Boston, will announce today a new software and service suite called NeXtricity that provides real-time, multi-channel decision-making capabilities for customer relationship management.

According to Exchange, the solution enables companies to gain a complete view of customer relationships and leverage that information to make better customer communications decisions in real-time. It allows a company to take an historical profile of a customer, combine that with the customer’s real-time activity, and then determine the appropriate response or presentation tactic.

It can, for example, advise a call center representative that a high-value customer expressed interest in a particular product on the Web site, and recommend another product while the customer is still on the site.

NeXtricity was codeveloped by PricewaterhouseCoopers, New York.

Citigroup, New York, is the first company to sign up for NeXtricity, and Exchange Applications said it will be generally available next spring. The cost will be hundreds of thousands of dollars for most installations.

“NeXtricity is trying to coordinate all the information across the various places enterprises are touching their customers, and provide one voice back to the customer,” said Pat McHugh, vice president of marketing at NeXtricity.

A recent survey from Forrester Research, Cambridge, MA, found that 92 percent of companies want to synchronize customer information across all channels but only 2 percent have that integration today. This is primarily due to technology constraints. Channel-specific CRM applications typically contain less than 10 percent of the information needed for true eCRM.

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