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T-Mobile debuts green campaign

Trying to cut down on printing bills, T-Mobile has launched a new program called “Mobilize” that urges consumers to sign up for a green account.

The program is supported by a new campaign called “Change Powered by People,” which was developed by digital and direct agency Emerge. The idea behind the campaign is about cutting back on the environmental costs of mailing paper bills and calls consumers to cut their carbon footprint and sign up to pay bills digitally.

The new campaign is being promoted to T-Mobile’s 32 million customers through digital marketing.  It includes a dedicated microsite at www.t-mobile.com/mobilize, e-mail, banner ads and a sweepstakes program.    

The new program follows T-Mobile’s introduction of the paperless billing option last year.  When presented with paperless billing, more than 500,000 T-Mobile customers signed on.

In addition to paperless accounts, the Mobilize program also is supporting the new Moto Renew, an energy-conscious cell phone made of recycled water bottles.  

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