SEATTLE — With the downsizing era over, disintermediation is emerging as the dominant business trend of the information age, said direct marketing pioneer Lester Wunderman. He outlined to a full house of 300 Web Marketing '98 conference attendees April 23 what he sees as the “conflicts, crises, changes and opportunities” that lie ahead for Net marketers. “Disintermediation is the process of eliminating redundant layers of distribution and communications left over from the first and second industrial revolutions,” he said. “Today's Internet is just the beginning of a disintermediated communications revolution that will restore information and dialogue to marketers and prime consumers of their products and services.” Wunderman said today's marketers are the first generation to live in two domains, the actual and the virtual. As for how to capitalize on disintermediation, he said, “companies and industries that have chosen to play at the direct marketing table have increased their odds for success because direct marketing has become and will remain the advertising and marketing expression of the information age.”