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Wichita State University’s social media campaign barely passes

College is a time when life-defining experiences occur, and Wichita State University (WSU) is promoting a hashtag among students and alums, #WSUexperience, to share those moments on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Postings will be featured on online ad networks and digital billboards in Wichita.

While the strategy is solid, it’s not particularly innovative, nor does it maximize the capabilities of digital and social advertising. Other universities have created similar student-alum outreach campaigns, incorporating microsites and videos.

By comparison, WSU is slacking and scribbling its thesis at the last minute. Moreover, WSU should consider ramping up its own social media presence before engaging in a full-fledged student-alumni outreach campaign.

The university doesn’t have a huge student body population, but it has an unimpressive number of followers on Twitter and Facebook.

Check out more social campaigns and see how they rated:

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