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Video: An Inside View on B2B Tech

Consumers aren’t the only ones changing their buying behaviors. B2B purchasers are too—they’re consumers, after all. This evolution in behavior means that B2B marketers have to pivot to meet the change.

Brad Wamsley, managing director of the telecom and B2B practice at Harte-Hanks, dives deep with Direct Marketing News on how B2B marketers can tap into marketing technology to improve their performance.

But nothing is as simple as it seems.

“It’s not as easy as just buying a piece of technology and deploying and assuming you’re going to solve all your problems,” he says.

It’s about having a game plan in place, both operational and tactical, to ensure you can gain the promise a piece of technology is offering. In a word: strategy.

Says Wamsley of the new B2B purchase persona: “As marketers, we need to understand where they are and why they are and be able to communicate with them there differently.”

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