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Retail Campaign, Winner: Harley-Davidson NYC and Adgorithms

Harley-Davidson’s New York City franchise needed to better understand its customers, identify them with laser precision, and convert leads to sales. It had tried many approaches, but nothing was working well until the dealership decided to engage Adgorithms’ artificial intelligence marketing platform “Albert.”

All Harley-Davidson NYC had to do was supply creative and KPIs. Albert then launched a fully autonomous, holistic digital campaign that delivered truly astounding results.

In the first two-day campaign with Albert, the dealership sold a record 15 bikes (the previous sales record was eight in one weekend).

Ending the first month of a campaign run by Albert, leads increased 800%, with 15% being “lookalikes,” i.e. high-value leads that resemble previous buyers. By the end of the third month the lead increase skyrocketed to 2,930% with 50% of being lookalikes, and the franchise could attribute a full 40% of its sales to Albert.

“What Albert achieved for Harley-Davidson NYC would traditionally require a large team of channel specialists and a complicated marketing stack responsible for running each part of the campaign independently,” noted an Adgorithms representative.

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