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Report: T-Mobile developing more devices featuring Google’s Android

T-Mobile is planning to launch a number of communications devices utilizing Google’s Android operating system, an open source software for mobile devices.

Confidential documents obtained from one of T-Mobile’s partners by The New York Times confirmed the mobile services provider plans to release a home phone early in 2010 followed by a tablet computer—both using Android.

Precise details about the functionality of the devices are still unclear but reportedly the home phone will have a docking station and a separate device to handle data synchronization. The tablet computer will have a 7-inch touch screen with no keyboard. The device would perform basic computer functions, and also control various other devices around the home.

The home phone would presumably mean competition for Verizon’s Hub phone and AT&T’s HomeManager.

T-Mobile’s G1 phone was the first cell phone to support Android. Today, T-Mobile is the fourth largest mobile carrier after AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.

T-Mobile said it does not comment on rumor or speculation. Inquiries to Google were not returned by press time.

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