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Postal Service to realign mail and shipping groups

The US Postal Service will realign two business groups within its mailing and shipping services organization in an effort to grow revenue. The agency announced the reorganization May 19, as it is encouraging support for its 10-year plan to regain financial stability.

The USPS will merge its Expedited Shipping and Ground Shipping groups into a single Shipping Services unit. Gary Reblin, former VP of expedited shipping, will lead the group as VP of shipping services. He will be responsible for all shipping products and services and customer service improvements, including product offerings, marketing, promotions and revenue in both the market dominant and competitive product classes.

Reblin also previously served as manager of Intelligent Mail planning and standards.

The Postal Service will also form the Product Visibility and Operational Performance group to develop customer information platforms through scanning and product tracking services. Jim Cochrane, former VP of ground shipping at the USPS, will lead the unit as VP of product visibility and operational performance. He will lead development of scanning technology innovations and tracking systems.

Cochrane also previously worked as manager of package services and associate VP of marketing and strategy for the Expedited Package Services strategic business unit at the USPS.

John Potter, postmaster general and CEO of the USPS, said in a statement that the restructuring will result in competitive package products and scanning visibility information without additional staffing.

The USPS announced the moves as it is encouraging Congress to allow it to reduce home delivery to five days a week and restructure payments to its retiree health benefit payment system. The USPS has predicted a net loss of $7 billion for this fiscal year if no changes are made. It ran a $3.8 billion net loss for its 2009 fiscal year, which ended September 30, 2009.

A USPS representative could not be immediately reached for comment.

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