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Mardevdm2 repositioning highlights new capabilities

Mardevdm2 is conducting a b-to-b campaign to promote its transition from a traditional list services company to a service provider offering a wider range of services.

The firm, a subsidiary of Reed Business Information, enlisted the help of Branddeli, a UK-based ad agency, to emphasize the services the company had added in recent months. The new services include: demand generation, campaign analysis, data modeling, data segmentation, and strategic planning and consulting.

“We’ve begun asking about goals and objectives to help our clients put out the best plan,” said Mary Miller, global director of marketing at Mardevdm2. “Then we build demand generation and lead nurturing programs for them.”

The company is using online banner ads, a redesigned website and social media to promote the changes at the company. It will roll out additional marketing collateral in coming weeks, including a brochure later this week, said Miller.

She added that the company has also “stepped up back-end analysis.”

“We used to do traditional campaign results,” she said. “We’ve expanded on that by evaluating based on results for the best audience, channel and other market segments that might have a propensity to buy for a particular client.”

While Mardevdm2 is historically a b-to-b company, Miller said its new services “enable us to open doors to b-to-c that we didn’t have before.”

The brochure will feature the company’s new logo, a pebble, which Miller said represented a “stepping stone to take marketers where they are in marketing to where they want to go.” The new company tagline is, “Your global marketing partner.”

The company also supplemented its traditional color scheme of purple, white and gray with bright pink, gold, blue and green.

Reed Business merged Mardev and DM2-DecisionMaker last March and named the combined company Mardev-DM2. It dropped the hyphen from the brand name this week.

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