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52624 posts
Big Flower Subsidiary to Buy ColorStream
The Webcraft subsidiary of Big Flower Holdings Inc., New York, announced May 28 that it has acquired ColorStream…
Yellow Pages Readies $30 Million Campaign
As the Yellow Pages flounders with the onslaught of the information age, its publisher are wielding their first…
Greenpeace Issues Biodegradable Card
Greenpeace introduced its first credit card — one that is biodegradable — this month and is urging other…
Acxiom to Buy May & Speh for $600 Million
In the second megamerger of the year, data-savvy Acxiom Corp. has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase…
Printers Grab Attention With 3-D, Holographic Images
Advances in production processes have made three-dimensional images a viable and cost-effective option for creating attention-getting direct mail…
Cultural Access Wins Novartis Account
The TMS Professional Markets Group subsidiary of Cultural Access Worldwide has formed a marketing agreement with Novartis Pharmaceuticals…
MSGI Subsidiary Develops Daimler-Benz Web Site
Pegasus Internet, a subsidiary of direct marketing agency Marketing Services Group Inc., New York, has developed a Web…
Staples Awards DM Assignment to Arnold Direct
Staples has selected Arnold Direct, a subsidiary of Snyder Communications Inc., Bethesda, MD, to handle its strategic direct…
Douglas-Danielle Opens Doors, Will Focus on Financial Services
Direct response agency Douglas-Danielle, Chicago, opened for business this spring, with an emphasis on blending the creative and…
Rapp-Collins to Take Over Adobe Systems Management
Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA, has selected Rapp-Collins Worldwide, New York, to handle direct response marketing and…