DMN Editorial Team
1179 posts
Delivered: Savings-Focused Retailers Emails
What’s in our inbox this month: Savings-focused retailers. Some of these are worth saving.
Marketing Chatter: November 2014
See what our tweeps have been getting up to this month. Follow us @dmnews. I enjoy companies that…
The Risk of Taking Email Full Throttle: Answers
Recap: Tony Smith was torn. A multimillion-dollar contract was at stake. As VP of marketing for the fledgling…
Word to the Wise: Programmatic Direct
To some marketers, “programmatic direct” is an oxymoron. They’re concerned that this mechanized process isn’t as targeted as…
Delivered: Governor Andrew Cuomo Mailers
What’s in our mailbox this month: Governor Andrew Cuomo Mailers. See which ones get our vote—and which ones…
What Top Marketers Read to Get Inspired
Whether hardcover, paperback, or digital, there’s nothing like a book for inspiration and diversion. The Direct Marketing News…
Marketing Stars’ Top Mobile Apps
When you’re laser-focused on marketing results, anything that makes you more efficient is a gift. That’s clear from…
Fast Facts: October 2014
Some quick info hits to keep you up-to-date, including the percentage of emails opened on mobile devices.
Email’s Mixed Messages
Marketers love email. Volume has increased 9% year over year in their attempts to woo customers, according to…
Marketing Chatter: October 2014
See what our tweeps have been getting up to this month. Follow us @dmnews. Mktg orgs can’t rely…